Business Leader!

Gain full control over your online store from one place! Sell Online. Easily.

See what we can do for you!

Do you want to start selling your products online quickly and easily?

Our beginner's package includes everything you need to get started without any hassle! 

  • Set-up e-commerce​: We'll configure e-commerce for you, help with domains or payments
  • Google Tools: We'll advice on Google Analytics, Google Search Console or Google Ads
  • Social Media: Integrations with social media

Let's meet to discuss how we can help starting your first e-commerce!


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Your online store is up and running, but you need more?

We can help you expand your store with the missing tools and take your sales to the next level! 

  • All in one platform
  • Easy to manage
  • Integration with courier and marketplace

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You already have an online store and manage your business with an ERP system, but need custom solutions? 

 We will integrate the missing tools to better customize the system to your needs and maximize operational efficiency!

  • ERP system for your e-commerce: warehouse, purchase, dropshipping, manufacturing
  • Custom integrations - of your e-commerce or with any other application
  • Technical and user support in your language


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Check out our options and choose the package that meets your expectations!

Starting e-commerces

e-commerce as a new sales channel​

  • Set-up e-commerce
  • Help with domains and online payments
  • Advice on Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Ads
  • Integrations with social media
  • Advice on which marketplaces to sell
  • SEO optimization
  • Monthly costs: minimal
  • Setup-costs: minimal

Medium size e-commerces

All in one platform

  • Everything in Starter, plus:
  • Easy to manage
  • Courier integrations
  • Online store on Odoo
  • Marketplace integrations
  • Online payments

Large e-commerces

ERP system for your e-commerce

  • Warehouse, purchase, dropshipping, manufacturing
  • Custom integrations - of your e-commerce or with any other application
  • Hosting, maintenance, technical and user support in your language: German, Polish, English, Norwegian, Ukrainian and Russian 
  • Monthly costs: depends on scope
  • Setup-costs: depends on scope

Zaufali nam 

Naszym ambitnym celem (BHAG) do 2030 roku, jest pomóc 1000 przedsiębiorstwom w Europie 

Pomogliśmy już 44 firmom!




Solvti świadczy specjalistyczne usługi dla partnerów Odoo, koncentrując się na dostosowanych rozwiązaniach i eksperckim wsparciu dla dużych przedsiębiorstw. Nawiąż z nami współpracę, aby skorzystać z zaawansowanych dostosowań Odoo, bezproblemowych integracji oraz strategicznego doradztwa, które zwiększą efektywność i innowacyjność Twojej firmy. 


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Don’t wait to enhance your business. Contact us today to learn how our tailored solutions can help you achieve even more!

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